Created toolkit dashboard to pull vast quantities of raw data every day from IBM's systems and internal Vodafone databases, in order to create a human-friendly analytics toolkit which tracked the progress of every pending deal.
Combined and replaced several legacy trackers with a unified version, allowing for better combined analytics and tracking. Dashboards created to leverage this combined data to identify bottlenecks and problematic deals.
Partially automated customer research process with a toolkit which collates downloaded spreadsheets to automatically populate an output sheet.
Created centralised toolkits that automatically collate data from individual departmental toolkits, in addition to automated conversion from UK data format to international standard for monthly reports to global head office.
Organised and ran several national conferences with up to 350 attendees. Roles ranged from running educational workshops to conference-wide budgeting and inventory management.
Managed and oversaw R&R campaign for members and volunteers within the NGO, encouraging them to take up internal training courses for self development and increased productivity.
Planned and oversaw employee hiring process.